Sunday, September 13, 2009

So Far So Good

I was just testing the photo uploading capability. I am currently uploading my photos on a image hosting website since facebook is being finicky here. So as an update:

Yesterday and Today have been amazing! I played ultimate frisbee yesterday with a huge group of kids and some other friends in Panfilova. I took a taxi with my friend Jon all by ourselves without help from the Peace Corps staff. We also had a mini-ghosti (to visit) at our friend Johnny's house. I recieved a compliment on my Kazakh speaking skills, which made all my hair pulling worthwhile. and maybe my biggest accomplishment from yesterday was the fact that I lit the Banya stove all by myself. I went and got the water from the well, I chopped the wood, i started the fire and I was able to wash completely independently from my host family. I am feeling very content with the way of life in Kazakhstan. It is true that simple tasks, such as bathing, involve much more work, but they are so much more rewarding after the fact. Today some friends and I went to Ecik( where i am now), and we found a trail going up to a tower behind the village. The ridgeline was super steep and rivals the hikes i did in Catalina. The hike was short but still was very grueling. We used my friend Sidd's GPS locater and found out that we were only 35 miles from the Kyrgystanian border. Too bad there are major snowy mountains in the way.

After that, we decided to go to the bazaar and eat some samosa type pastries. They were very tasty and we also bought some fruit, some grapes and apples. The bazaars have so much to offer during the spring and summer times. You can really find anything. Some things are more expensive. I found olive oil and I am hoping to make my family something I would usually make at home for dinner. We'll see!

I have uploaded some photos to a photobucket account for now. the link is here.

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